An Options Analytics Platform
1lyoptions unlocks a world of opportunities in the options market, providing a seamless platform for derivatives trading. Our intuitive interface and advanced analytics cater to both novice and experienced traders.
How it works?
Everything you need to win at options

Strategy Creation
Easy to create a strategy, analyze it with a Pay-off chart, compare multiple strategies, and seamlessly execute them.

Position Analytics - Options Trading
Comprehensive Analytics on the positions. Analyse positions based on underlying stocks, automatically classifies to hedge

Options Chain
Live Options Trading market feed with liquidity indicator, greeks and graphical view of option chain to spot trading opportunity and seamlessly execute orders.

Multi Strike Chart
Analyse price movements along with it's impact on the Greeks and spot patterns.

Open Interest
Analyse open interest buildups, spot support and resistance levels.

Straddle Premium
Spot instruments demanding high premium over price and margin.

Live Position Analytics
Get real-time insights into positions, Risk Alerts on Liquidity, Delivery, Trend direction.

Unified Platform
Get robust analytics and seamless strategy execution, all-in-one-place

Ease of Use
The most simple interface to manage Complex Option trading for traders of all levels

Enhanced Trading Flexibility
Execute complex strategies with our diverse selection of pre-built customisable strategies.

Learning Content
Complex Options trading simplified through Courses and Learning content for every trader from beginner to a professional trader.
Get Started for free
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